Wednesday, February 21, 2007

it's the most wonderful tiiiiime of the year

i love february. seriously. it's great. it's still cold (i LOVE cold weather!), but there are some days that are nice, like 70º... and there's VD, my wedding anniversary, and my birthday.... not to mention that baseball will soon be back! yeah!

we filed our taxes on monday, which is super exciting... having kids really makes tax time a time to look forward to, because of what is known as "earned income credit" or something like that. LOVE IT!

so as of today, february 21, scott and i have been married exactly 3 years. is that not CRAZY? that's almost 1100 days. i can't believe it. i don't think we have anythign special going on today other than exchanging gifts, but this weekend we're having an all-out bash. well, just the 2 of us... y'see, 7 days from now is my 23rd birthday... scott and i have a tradition of celebrating what i like to call "Birthiversary" the weekend between our anniversary and my birthday... we go out and have japanese food, and then there's usually some sort of surprise for me, and then we go home and watch movies or whatever. it's a greattttt night, and i'm so excited it's in 3 days!

lincoln is going to austin this weekend to stay with my sister. my parents are making a trip to san antonio, so lincoln will be riding with them till austin, and they will drop him off at his Tía's house. he'll be gone from friday until Monday, which is a really long time for my baby to be gone, but it'll be nice sleeping in all weekend! PLUS, we're moving back into our house this weekend, so it will be really convenient for him to not be around while we're trying to get a ton of work done around the casa. *sigh* i want to mooooove!

so, let's wrap things up. lincoln is leaving me for a few days , i will be 23 in 7 days, yay for tax time, and TODAY is our 3rd wedding anniversary. that's all i've got for today.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

VD, salmonella, etc.

HA! i tricked you! you're probably thinking i'm a nasty, nasty girl since the title of my blog includes the phrase "VD"... well, folks, if you know me at all, you know that i thoroughly enjoy wishing people a "Happy VD!" on Valentine's Day. so there ya go, and just so you know, i'm vernereal disease free... haha, gross.

so yeah yesterday was the big "VD" and ok, it's seriously cheesy, and it's WAY over-commercialized.... but a girl still has the tendency to enjoy it- as stupid as the holdiay is altogether... so my hubby comes home from work with hot pink tulips (my favorite!) and a SUPER sweet card... everybody together now, "AWWWWWW"... unless you're single and you hate me... then it's, "EWWWWW" hahaha. i know, i know. and then we went out for dinner, came back to the house and took a nice loooong soak in the hot tub... it was awesome. it was snowing outside, and we had the windows open to the sunroom, so we'd be freakin hot because of the 102º water, but then the 22º air was coming in and hitting us. yeah, it was awesome. and apparently we're pretty white-trashy, because during our hot tub soak, we enjoyed an episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter. HAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA...

ok, now to the topic of SALMONELLA. i was just browsing through AOL news, and found a story about a well-known product being recalled because of salmonella... so i open the story, begin reading... and it's for peanut butter! what the hell? are we safe from ANY food we eat? it's in meat, we know that... it's in our SPINACH... the LETTUCE at Taco Bell, and now our PEANUT BUTTER? freaking GEEZE! so blah blah blah i'm reading the story, and discover that it's for the same brand of peanut butter that i have in my pantry... Peter Pan peanut butter... they go on to list the code on the top of the jar that would distinguish if YOUR peanut butter was on the recall list... and jars with the code starting with the numbers "2111" are on the list.... i'm thinking "no way, i've been eating my peanut butter, there's no way" um, SURE ENOUGH! AAAAAND, what REALLY pisses me off- i've been feeding it to my SON! my 2 1/2 year old SON! UGH! it just makes me so mad. these companies need to get their shit together, seriously. do i have to be paranoid about EVERYTHING i eat from now on? do i have to worry about everything i put on my son's plate because it may or may not contain bacteria that could make him seriously ill or possibly kill him? i'm so mad. ugh.

that is all for today. au revoir.

Saturday, February 3, 2007


as for the surprise, well, that will be at the END of my blog- so you MUST read all the way to the end- because it is WAY exciting!!!

So today we went to Will's 3rd birthday party. whoa was that hectic! the kids all had a great time... it sure wore Lincoln out, and it did a number on Scott and me, too! Lincoln got a kazoo, with which he is absolutely fascinated. he played with it most of the day, and has pretty much mastered it.

Mr. Exterminator Man set out traps for our skunks today! hopefully we will be able to catch the whole fam damily of them within the week and be on our way back to our own house within a week and a half! YEAH! ...then i think i will pack up boxes. no, i'm dead serious. -like things that i really won't need until we're in a bigger home. have i mentioned that i want to move into a new house? what? oh i have? ...sorry.

um, we just got a prank call... some girl calling herself Hannah, talking about how much she was looking forward to seeing us at church tomorrow. man, prank callers sure have gotten retarted since i was younger!!!

tomorrow i get to see some of my old best friends... like from when i went to school @ Jackson and Madison. they will probably be reading this blog come Monday morning... so um, i'm looking forward to seeing you guys and i'm sure i had a great time seeing you!!! :)

ok, ok, ok... i guess i've kept you waiting long enough (plus i don't have anything else to talk about)....
MY BROTHER AND HIS WIFE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!! i'm sooo freaking excited! this will be Lincoln's first cousin on my side of the family. my first niece or nephew on my side of the family. my parents' second grandchild. wow. i mean. wow. this is huge. my brother is going to make the most amazing father. he is and has always been the nicest, funniest guy i have ever met. and im sure candace is going to be a great mom, too. wow, i'm so pumped. you don't even know.

ok, so that was the whole reason for this blog post.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Lincoln has now worn his BIG BOY undies 3 days in a row- without wetting them!!! so he's no t officially potty trained, cuz so far it's always OUR idea for him to sit on the potty- he's asked to sit on the potty ONCE, but hey- we're making huge progress here. hooray for big boy underwear (they're Go, Diego, Go!, by the way)!!!

so far no bites on Scott's truck. seriously- not even a call yet. it's a bit disappointing. we need to sell this thing quick, and so far it doesn't look like we'll have it sold by the time our next payment is due, which really sucks.... PLUS we need money for a lot of other things right now- one of which is the freaking skunks UNDER our house and the fleas IN our house.

we haven't really lived at home in about 3 weeks. it's really getting old living out of a suitcase, not having my own food in the pantry and fridge, not having my own bed, movie selection, y'know, all the perks of being at home. just being HOME. but from now on i should refer to it as "my house" not "home" because it doesn't feel like home. i won't get started on it now, because it was the entire discussion LAST blog, but you all should know how i don't like the house we live in... i'm hoping that with money from selling the truck and taxes about to come in, we can set aside a "let's buy a house!" fund and be out of our current situation ASAP- like- within months. that would be thrilling!

so anyway, hooray for big boy underwear... and somebody buy our dang truck.

the end.