Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to Lincoln, Happy Labor Day to me.

this is my boy in 2004. He was only a couple weeks old. SO tiny. SO sweet.

this is my boy now... HUGE, still SO sweet and SO cute, but not SO tiny anymore... he's not even a baby anymore. it's official. Today he's 2 years old. My little boy is just.... a little boy. Not a baby. A little boy. my little boy is growing up much too fast.

For those of you who don't have kids, when you do, everyone will tell you that the time will fly- but inside you'll feel like there's no way, because it's so much work, it MUST feel like it's going to crawl by... But it doesn't. I remember the day I brought my boy home from the hospital... Now he's 2.

I've already taught him to say "I'm two years old!" though he's having trouble showing 2 with his fingers. Today Scott and I are going to take him to Mr. Gatti's for pizza, coke, tons of sweets, rides, and basically just running around like a sugar-crazed maniac. It will be fun.

I am the mother of a two-year-old. Please pray for me

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