Sunday, June 11, 2006


ah yes, how i adore being ILL. just kidding, kids. juuuuust kidding. so i'm used to my son being sick and taking care of him... but i don't get sick. i mean, i get sick- but i haven't in a LONG time. for like 3 days i've had the tiniest wussy cough and my neck hurt... but yesterday i got hit HARD. my back hurt, my head hurt, my neck reeeally hurt, and as of last night, i had a fever of 99.4, not that big a deal, but alas, a fever. so i wake up this morning @ 6:30 feeling like total a-hole. what's the fever NOW, you ask? 101.3. seriously. ridiculous.
so we were going to go to church this morning- it IS sunday... plus, scott's siblings are in town and they (and scott's mom) were all going to come to our church and it was going to be a dandy time. hey melanie, aren't you sick? yes, yes i am sick. so my husband got himself AND Lincoln ready with NO help from me- i was impressed- and off to church they went. it's weird being the only one in the house. really weird.
all i want to do is sleep, but i am just not sleepy. so i'm here, at my computer, with nothing better to do, blogging.

oh how i adore a 101.3 temperature, but not as much as i'm about to adore some Tylenol PM, hoes. oh yes, tylenol pm.

i hope you are all doing better than i am today.

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