Thursday, June 11, 2009

an update in pictures...

I have been slacking, so the easiest way to update is by putting captions under pictures i've taken during the past couple of weeks... here we go.

scott built a storage building right outside of our house since we have NO storage space inside the house. he let lincoln get on the roof with him and link thought that was quite possibly the greatest thing ever.

here is my boy on top of the roof. i promise he's not as close to the edge as it looks!

lincoln is playing tee-ball this year. here he is at bat during his first game.

this is the reaction we got after we told him to "keep his eyes on the ball".

lexi has started making a funny little face. she scrunches her nose, furrows her brow, puckers her lips, and inhales and exhales loudly through her nose. it's hilarious!
i haven't been able to get a picture of her doing it whole-heartedly, but this pic is pretty close.

here's another pic of the silly face.

i love this pic of lexi trying to eat the coffee table.

this is a great picture of her! click on it for full-view. her eyes are just gorgeous!

both of the kids got sick within a couple of days of each other. first lexi got sick with a double ear infection and a throat infection. about 36 hours later, lincoln had a sore throat and a fever. then, later that night, he ended up vomiting a few times. this is how pathetic he looked on monday morning. he's awake, just sad looking.

on monday afternoon, he started swimming lessons. i know, i shouldn't have taken him since he was sick- but they were expensive, we couldn't get our money back, he couldn't make up the missed lesson, and he really did feel better in time to go to lessons (even though it was thanks to ibuprofen and not really being well yet).

it rained a LOT at our house the past several days. my boy had lots of fun running through the puddles right after some severe storms had blown through. the next few pictures are from that evening.

we have been crazy busy this week! i've been covering for the owner of Hickory Street Cafe while she's been on vacation in hawaii. i've worked there all this week and will work next week to cover for a waitress who is going on vacation. between being a mom, dealing with sick babies, working, taking lincoln to swimming lessons, and running the normal errands, we have had NO free time. i will be glad when this two week period is over! ...of course, as soon as it's over, it will be time to start fireworks. COME ONNNN, MIDDLE OF JULY! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures! Link and Lexi are super sweet and we had a great week this week while you worked. Sugar