Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter weekend misc.

How was eveyrone's Easter? Mine was fantabulous. yes, i am choosing to use that word.
So on Saturday there was this Easter Egg hunt that was NUTS. there ended up being EIGHT children 2 years of age and YOUNGER... and then there were two 4 year olds. none of the little kids cared about the eggs, really... it was more like "Mommy boss your kids around day" because everyone was going "here's an egg, pink it up. pick it up! pick it up!" PLUS, there were probably at LEAST 17 or 18 adults. it was a lot of fun, though... and i really enjoyed some of Lincoln's candy.
THEN on Sunday, i had to be IN CLYDE by 8:00am, and it's a 30 minute drive to Clyde... so we woke up freaking early, got ready for church, and headed to Clyde... Matt, Mitsi, and I sang with my parents' church's choir (my mom is in the choir too)... we sang the Halleluiah Chorus and it was pretty... we had to sing at both services which was nuts.
Then we went back to the parentals' and had a AWESOME lunch. you should be so jealous. we had THANKSGIVING for Easter! oh yeah, turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, sweet potato casserole (which is like a dessert, it's unbelievable), pink salad, rolls. OH it was amazing.
Then my mom had a little mini Easter Egg hunt for Lincoln, and he really couldn't have cared any less... he's go pink up one egg, and since he now knows that there are GOODIES hidden inside the eggs, he would pick it up, bring it to my mom (Nana) and say "open! open!" so that he could eat what was in the egg. hilarious.

overall, it was a great weekend. i got to spend time with the entire family (Dad, Mom, Mitsi, Matt, Candace, Scott, Lincoln, and myself) and that was great. Matt's a busy guy so we don't get to see him that often- even though he LIVES HERE... but whatever. we have so much fun together. we're all huge dorks, but it's great.

i hope everyone else's weekend was good too! and i hope you all remembered what EASTER is all about... HE IS RISEN! HALLELUIAH!

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