Saturday, April 15, 2006

SO annoying!

April 15, 6:14 am

so yeah, check the time PEOPLE! ...not on your clock, but the time this freaking bulletin was posted. yeah. messed up.

so i woke up cold at 5:20(ish)am and i was thinking that if I was cold, Lincoln was probably cold. so i went to his room to check on him, and sure enough, he was very very COLD! so, i turned off his air conditioner, got a blanket, covered him up, went to the restroom, moved the clothes that i'm wearing tomorrow from the washer to the dryer, and crawled back into bed....i laid in bed for about 45 minutes and NOTHING. i got really comfy, but COULD NOT get sleepy! so now i'm awake. scott and lincoln are both sleeping. both of them WILL be sleeping for about 3 more hours... and here i am, awake, on myspace, because i have nothing better to do. i mean, i actually HAVE better stuff to do... i could be SLEEPING! but NOOO! i actually should do some laundry or something and make use of this time. but i just don't want to. so i won't. so there.

so today i'm taking Lincoln to this Easter egg hunt over at some dear family friends' place.... it will be way fun.....maybe. haha, it will be hectic! there will be SIX... count 'em, SIX children ages 2 yrs. and younger... and then a 4 year old. yeah. i know. it will be nuts. and then there will be 4 mommies and 3 grandmothers, and an aunt (my sister) chasing all the kids around. it's nice to know that the kids do not outnumber the adults. that comes in handy when you need one person to wrangle one kid, it's a whole lot easier. whose kid do i get? do i get my own? or does my mom get mine? or does my SISTER get mine? all i know is, Lincoln will probably find ONE egg, sit down in the grass, and proceed to open it, get the candy out, eat it, and then sit there playing with that ONE EGG for the entirety of the "hunt". (hmm.. the word "entirety" sure looks like it's spelled wrong... but i did the spell check and it's correct, but it DOES look weird)

(think of that last part a bit sing-song-ish.)

and i got on here thinking "this will be a great way to waste time! i will just fill out bulletins." there are NONE. bring on the disappointment.

um ok i suppose i will do something else now... maybe... check my email?

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