Thursday, August 3, 2006


today is my third day in the dreaded state of Oklahoma... ok, maybe it's not so bad- but there are things in Texas that i just can't get here.... let's start a list, shall we?

1. my husband
2. my own home
3. my own bed
4. my own vehicle
5. all of Lincoln's toys
6. a toddler-proof home
7. a WAY cooler state flag... check this out, seriously- Oklahoma state flag

i mean, WHO likes THAT better than THIS? Texas state flag point exactly....
8. i miss driving on free roads- every single damn road in Oklahoma seems like it's a damn toll road. Rebekah and i made up a song about it yesterday.
9. did i list my husband? yeah, i miss him...

So basically, kids, Texas is just superior, and that's all there is to it.

ohhh i get to go HOOOOME TODAY!!! i am excited.

the next few weeks are going to be crazy busy. i'm just warning you. because i know all of you await, sitting on pins and needles, greatly anticipating my next blog... but, it seems like this much there will be less blogging and more real life for me to attend. pity.

have i mentioned yet that i was awake for an hour between 3:15 and 4:30 am? ok, so slightly more than an hour... but all of this is because i am being forced to share a room with my oh-so-sweet son, Lincoln.... yeah, starting about 3am, he was tossing and turning and not sleeping well... then at 3:15, he starting calling out for my mom (his Nana) and i got him out of bed to rock him because i didn't want him waking everyone else... he wanted to be held and rocked, but he was now WIDE AWAKE. fun stuff. i ended up having to turn on the bathroom fan, and a couple other sources of noise, so that he could cry himself back to sleep without waking anyone. i resorted to a middle-of-the-night myspace session while i waited for him to fall back to sleep so i could do the same. it was NOT fun!
OH! add that to my list of things i miss- we'll call it number 10. Lincoln sleeping in his own room!
ohhh toniiiiight...

ok ok ok kids, i suppose i shall be going. i should probably gather my bags and Lincoln's things and prepare for our 4 hour trip home... i hope you are all enjoying the end of your summer (unless you didn't get one at all really, in which case- haha. sucks to be you.)

ohhhhhhh i am ready for FALL, but that is a whole different subject...

au revoir!

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