Friday, September 12, 2008

pass the kleenex. no, i'm not sad.

i'm officially sick. i've been fighting it off for a couple of days but have been unsuccessful. i'm not deathly ill, just obnoxiously so. stuffy nose that is also runny (why could it be one or the other??), cough, sore throat, painful swollen lymph nodes... fun. and as of yesterday, Lexi's got it. at least the stuffy nose with some nice green snot. so we're in for a pretty fun weekend.
last night wasn't as miserable as we had expected, however. Lexi only woke up once during the night, and that was because she was sleeping on her back in her bed and you all know that's not helpful when there's a stuffy nose involved. so i had to get up with her, suction out her nose (which is always fun!), and make space in our bedroom to bring in her swing. she spent the rest of the night sleeping very well in her swing, even if she did sound pretty snotty.
i can't say i'm exactly looking forward to the weekend. with both of us sick, sleep is something i won't be able to get enough of. even if she sleeps well, my body needs lots of sleep so i can get better. i have to rest a looot when i'm sick. seriously- my immune system sucks. i'm now praying that Lincoln won't get it. i'm hoping grandparents will keep him both nights this weekend (A) so he doesn't catch this crud and (B) so Lexi and i can get plenty of rest and work on getting better.

we got Lincoln's Halloween costume yesterday. he's going to be a bat. he really wanted to be the dragon that we saw, but it was mostly red and looked pretty much like the devil, so we had to go with the bat. he initially didn't like the idea of the bat, because he reeeally wanted to be the dragon- but when i told him that he could be like Batman, that was all he needed to hear. he tried it on in the store and proceeded to run and jump around the dressing rooms, flapping his arms and pretending to fly. pretty dang cute.

i had one of those fun mom moments the other day. Lexi and i were at a little lunch place waiting for our food (well, not Lexi's and mine, but Matt's, Candace's, and mine). i could tell she was going poop because of the lovely expression and red face. i didn't think anything of it- heck- babies poop all the dang time. but when i picked up her carrier off the chair it was sitting on, there was a PUDDLE IN THE SEAT! i was mortified. thankfully, noone saw and i was able to grab some paper napkins that were right by the table and soak it up. and, being the mom that i am, i always have anti-bacterial wipes in my purse- so i got it all cleaned up. now i'm wondering what kind of mess she's got going on inside that carrier. i finally got my food, got out the door, and went to drop off M&C's food, thinking that instead of visiting with them for a while that i needed to rush home to bathe and change my child before the other child got out of school. thankfully, Candace offered to let me come in and bathe Lexi at their house (even though a realtor was coming over to look at their house very shortly). it was nice having Candace's help (thanks Candace!). i was glad to discover that most of the mess in the carseat was pee. her diaper was full of poop, and i think the pee just didn't have any place to soak into the diaper, so it just went all out the sides. (btw, we were then using some diapers that were a gift and are not too awesome) Lexi was soaked from her knees to halfway up her back and she only had a little leaky poop right by her butt. and of course it was the one day that i didn't have a change of clothes in her diaper bag, so i had to borrow a little blue outfit of Layton's (Lexi was very gender confused that day- as i made sure to put a bow on her before we went to pick up Lincoln from school so noone would mistake her for a boy). it was definitely one of those awesome mom moments.

i think Lexi has gone back to sleep finally, so i am going to go do the same thing.

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